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February 20, 2009

Chocoholics: You'll Either Love Me, or Hate Me

I could eat chocolate every hour of every day forever and be incredibly happy. I would look awesome, too. NOT. But I would need a way to spice chocolate up a bit.
Want to impress your peoples and make some delicious chocolate clusters? It is so simple; as long as you have parchment paper, chocolate, and nuts, dried fruit, cereal, or whatever you want to mix it with. Begin by melting chocolate in a pot over low heat. Stir in your favorite munchies. Some ideas are almonds, chex cereal, broken pretzels, peanuts, and dried fruit. I think the chex cereal, pretzel, and peanut combination is AMAZING with milk or white chocolate, or BOTH! You can even chop up some Oreo cookies in a food processor (or by hand) and mix them into the melted chocolate. Then just dollop little spoonfuls of the mixture onto a baking sheet covered with parchment paper. You could also spread the entire mixture on the parchment paper and break it up later. Refrigerate until the chocolate has hardened. And Ta-da! You'll have perfect little chocolate clusters with all of your favorite things inside!
Word the the wise: Drizzling them with a different chocolate will make your clusters look like you paid $10/lb for them.
Moral of the story? Your personal chocolate factory is in your own kitchen.

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