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February 22, 2009

Epiphany: Stinky Fingers = Sex Appeal

After I cook with garlic and onions, which is about always, my fingers carry the smell with them for days later. Anyone who cooks out there knows what I'm talking about. I have always hated it; I'll be sleeping and wake up to the smell of garlic as my hand nuzzles under my chin. But then I realized...
It's frickin' sexy. Okay, okay... It may be hard to comprehend at first, but think about it. If Goddesses like Giada and Nigella Lawson have stinky fingers, then I am honored to have them too! I am proud to share that lovely trait with such stunning, gorgeous women. Maybe stinky fingers are a sign that you're a Rockstar in the kitchen. And I am more than alright with that. So no more hiding the smell of garlic and onions; rather, embrace it! For stinky fingers are fingers that know how--and more importantly LOVE--to cook, and that is sexy in itself.
Moral of the story? Screw the dark chocolate and snails, garlic and onions are the new aphrodisiacs.
*Photo courtesy of the Herald Times

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