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February 17, 2009

Eggs--Buy Au Naturale

It is unnatural for any living being to be caged. How would you like to be smushed in a wire cage ass-to-ass with a hundred filthy, miserable people? Not so much... It truly is cruel. This morning, I made eggs for breakfast as I often do. This time, however, I threw them away. I usually buy the more expensive, cafe-free organic eggs. I like to think that I can sacrifice a few bucks for my morality. When I was grocery shopping yesterday, being the penny-pinching college student I am, I unfortunately went against my morals and decided that those two extra dollars were worth saving . Thus, I bought the cheaper eggs. HUGE MISTAKE. My eggs this morning tasted like a #2 pencil, leading to a drastically life-altering epiphany: only eat good, healthy eggs from happy chickens and hens! You can taste the difference, which I had never before realized. In eating crappy, cheap eggs, it's as if you can taste their misery.
Word to the wise: Organic cage-free eggs are best. Cage-free may just mean that the animals are stuffed in a barn without cages. Free-range means that they have the freedom to roam, which is a plus, but the feed they are given can still be crap. Organic cage-free means that they are able to roam freely and comfortably, as well as fed organic, anti-biotic free, pesticide-free, and growth hormone-free feed, leading to happier animals and eggs that are better tasting and better for you!
Moral of the story? Skip the $4 latte and splurge on some organic eggs.

1 comment:

  1. Agreed. Organic cage-free eggs are much more humane and better tasting. Especially with my morning veal.
